Frequently Asked Questions
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The toilet you require entirely depends on the use for the toilet. We have toilets designed for anything from small garden events, weddings to factory toilet refurbishments or even building sites. Please get in touch and we can recommend the toilets we feel would suitable for you.
The space required for delivery and collection depends on the items delivered. We do normally require a good amount of space due to the varying sizes of our vehicles. All sizes of the toilets and showers are listed on our quotation sheet.
The toilets/showers can be set up in many locations. We just require adequate access for the toilets/showers and firm, level ground to be set up on.
Some of our toilets do not require any connections to be used. Our mobile toilet units all require a 110v/230v power supply from mains or a generator. Showers require power, water, drainage and gas to be used.
Yes, We can offer an interim service during your event at an arranged time to increase the capacity of the toilets. All interim servicing must be arranged in advance.
For long term hires, some of our toilets can be connected to your mains water, waste drainage and power to alleviate the need for interim servicing
Delivery and Collection is normally arranged with the customer upon booking. For weekend events, this would usually be delivery on Thurs/Fri and collection on Mon/Tues. Delivery & Collection can be arranged for any date or time.
The areas we cover can be found at Service Area. We cover different area depending on the type of hire.
We would recommend booking toilets and showers around the end of the year before your event to secure a booking as this is when the bulk of our customers put their orders in. We may still have availability closer to your event, so please feel free to get in touch.
The number of toilets will vary depending on the number of guest, the duration of the event and whether food/drink are being consumed. We have a wide range of toilets that should be able to suit your events needs. Please get in touch and we can recommend the right toilets for your event.
Yes, it is the customers responsibility to insure our toilets/showers/generators from when they are setup on site until we have removed from site. This is normally covered by your event insurance, however it is always best to check.
Our toilets and showers vary in price depending on the size/model, the length of the hire, the location and the time of year. Please submit an enquiry and we will come back to you with a quotation and availability.
We offer anything from 1 day hires to permanent hires. Please feel free to get in touch and we help to recommend the most suitable toilet/shower.